Linked to Hampshire Planning
All resources
Detailed Smart Notebook- easy to follow
5 lessons
Lesson 1: What does prophecy mean?
Lesson 2: How do Christians see the idea of prophecy in the Christmas story of the Magi?
Lesson 3: What is the importance, for Christians, of the gifts that prophesied Jesus’s future? What issues are raised?
Lesson 4:What do you think about prophesying the future?
Lesson 5: How does the idea of prophecy effect us and others?
Linked to Hampshire planning (included).
Full unit including all resources,
Lesson plans
6 lessons
Detailed lessons
Lesson 1:
What does Creation mean
Lesson 2 (2 parts): Contextualise- How do people of from different beliefs and cultures express the idea of creation?
Lesson 3: Evaluate- What is the value of creation
stories to believers and what do we think about that?
Lesson 4: Communicate- What is our response to the idea of creation?
Lesson 5: Apply- How does the idea of creation apply to our own and other people’s lives?
Based on Hampshire planning for R.E (not included).
Smart Notebook to follow the Jesus the Lawbreaker
Easy to use and follow
Includes all activities-
Poster making
Focusing on Looking at laws and rights